About me

About me

        First off, my full name is Christopher Stephen Molnar. I was born and raised in the Bay Area. Now I am a current student at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. I like it a lot here, its a nice change of pace, but there's no place like home. I'm really close to my family so its a little hard to be far away from them. On a more brighter note, some of my hobbies include: partying, going to the beach, listening to music, Bay Area, hanging out with friends, the peeps, and playing pretty much any sport. Right now I am just waiting to turn 21 so I can go to Vegas and blow money that I don't even have. Hopefully when I graduate if will have a degree in Business Administration with concentration in Finance. Then I hope to work for a few years, make a bunch of money and move to the Caribbean and open a bar and eventually hotel. However, that's way down the line, first things first, I need to graduate college.